In this section, you will find downloadable materials related to atmosfair: our annual reports, the atmosfair Airline Index, information about the emissions calculator, and much more.

From 2022 to 2023, atmosfair’s revenues increased by over 4 million euros.

In 2023, atmosfair also received no public funding. The only revenue from public institutions came through successful bids in tenders for the German Federal Government’s CO₂ offsetting for official travel. No single offsetting client contributed more than 10% of total revenues, ensuring that the non-profit atmosfair gGmbH remained financially independent. For over 10 years, revenue from commercial operations has supplemented donations, with profits from these activities helping to cover part of the costs in atmosfair’s charitable operations. In 2023, around 95 out of every 100 euros in donations went directly to climate protection technologies, such as efficient stoves or solar systems for households, or to the planners and operators of renewable electricity generation projects. Only about 5 out of every 100 euros were used by atmosfair for its own personnel for donor support, as well as for other expenses like IT, accounting, public relations, rent, or credit card fees.mer care staff as well as other costs such as IT-systems, accounting, public relations, rent for office spaces, banking and credit card fees.

Annual Reports

atmosfair Airline Index

Further information about the atmosfair Airline Index can be found here.
Download the current version of the atmosfair Airline Index (version 2024):

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